Never take your tires for granted. They represent the only part of your vehicle that touches the road. They play an enormous role in the acceleration, braking, handling and comfort of your car. For all these reasons, it’s important to make sure your tires are in optimum condition. Tires that are properly inflated, aligned within factory specs and possess adequate tread for your environment help ensure you get to and from your destination safely.
It’s important to keep your tires properly inflated in accordance with your car manufacturer’s recommended pressure range. This helps optimize performance, minimize wear and foster safe driving. You can find the recommended tire pressure on the b-pillar inside the driver’s door of your car. Make it a habit to visually inspect your tires every time you fill up with gas, and check your pressure at least once per month.
An overinflated tire focuses too much contact on the center of your tire, causing more wear in the center. An underinflated tire puts too much weight on the edges of your tire and causes excessive wear on the edges. A properly inflated tire evenly spreads pressure across the entirety of your tread, maximizing performance and minimizing wear.
As a tire wears, its ability to perform as design is minimized. A new tire generally comes with 10/32nds of tread. When your tread reaches 4/32nds, it’s time to shop for new tires.
Regular rotations help even out tire wear and prolong the life of your tires. We recommend rotating your tires every 5,000 miles. A good rule of thumb is to have them rotated with every oil change.
Q: When should I replace my tires?
A: Tires that are worn beyond the wear bars, worn unevenly or with visible tread defects should be replaced. Any tire with a sidewall bulge should also be replaced. Even if a tire appears to have perfect tread, it still could be due for replacement. The rubber compounds in tires breakdown with age and influence tire performance. Automakers recommend replacing your tires if they are six years old or older.
Q: How do I measure my tire tread depth?
A: In the absence of a tire tread measurement tool, a penny can work in a pinch. Place a penny, with Lincoln’s head facing down so you can see it, in your tire tread. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head when placed in your tread, it’s time for new tires.
Q: Do I need to get my tires rotated? How often?
A: A good rule of thumb is to rotate your tires every 5,000 miles, or with every oil change, whichever comes first.
Q: Why are my tires making noise and/or vibrating?
A: Noisy tires can be caused by irregular tire wear, cupping or feathering of the tire tread surface. Tread worn below 2/32nds can also create similar noises. As a general rule of thumb, if your tires are making noise, get them checked out by a professional.
Q: What impact does rain have on my tires?
A: Adequate tread is required to maintain safe performance in rain and snow conditions. On a wet road, a tire needs a channel to dispense water. A worn tire usually lacks its ability to evacuate water, which can lead to hydroplaning, issues accelerating and extended brake distances. If you live in an environment that regularly sees snow, snow tires are highly recommended.